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Superior quality in a sentence

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Sentence count:52Posted:2018-05-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: superiorityvector quantitysuperiority complexqualityequalitytop-qualityinequalityhigh quality
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(31) KOTI has been recognized as the famous optical coating manufacturer inland or abroad owing to its advanced technology, superior quality and whole-hearted service.
(32) This hotpot shop uses superior quality sliced beef from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
(33) QUALITY POLICY : Science management, make with meticulous care, product superior quality, Sincere service.
(34) The innovative design, the superior quality, greatly reduces the installation cost , shortens the installation time and increase the lifespan of the system.
(35) By virtue of its superior quality and moderate price, this item has met with a warm reception in American Continent. We deem it to your advantage to buy this item for a trial sale in your market.
(36) Adopting light rail, rail, superior quality, greatly shorten installation period.
(37) It pays to buy goods owing to their superior quality.
(38) For getting superior quality and denser WDM device, a new method to make demultiplexing device with volume holographic technology is studied.
(39) Novel appearance design, superior quality raw materials and functional design, environmental comfort and durability of its products is widely accepted by the public of the Green unobservant.
(40) According to characteristics of high volatile coals in southwest China, a laboratory study on producing superior quality metallurgical coke with stamping process has been completed.
(41) Also, a description is given of the characteristics of yield increase, superior quality and reduction in cost of high-analysis phosphatic fertilizers and prospects for their use.
(42) Supermarket Pushcart is one of our main products, which has superior quality, leading manufacturing processes. The surface is anti-rust processed and thus beautiful and corrosion resistant.
(43) The help other people, a Du Fang big superior quality.
(44) Moreover, we use high quality raw materials, such as paulownia wood, poplar and pine, satin wood, chinaberry and plywood, which further guarantee superior quality of our products .
(45) This rice of superior quality is produced in Heilongjiang Province.
(46) All sections of the whole production line are strictly operated by our specialized technicians thus ensuring the superior quality of our Longyi products.
(47) Due to advanced management and well-established network of raw material resources(, we are able to offer our customers competitive price while ensuring superior quality.
(48) Customers prefer buying superior quality products at a reasonable price.
(49) Says Susan Helstab, head of marketing at Four Seasons: "She's clear that our values, culture and superior quality won't change. But she's also not afraid to innovate."
(50) The Zhuhai based company specializes in manufacturing and marketing fully capsulated SF6 insulated medium voltage switchgears of superior quality.
(51) Now, our company's produce market spreads Europe, US and Japan,[] Our superior quality and the rivalrous price help us win the multitudinous customer.
(52) Our products are superior quality, low - cost, simple operation of the features!
More similar words: superiorityvector quantitysuperiority complexqualityequalitytop-qualityinequalityhigh qualitysound qualityprint qualityquality of lifedesign qualityquality controlsuperiorquality standardsquality of designquality assuranceequality before the lawlake superiorsuperior vena cavainferiorityposteriorityqualitativedualitytibialis anteriorequalitarianinferiority complexqualitativelysexualityactuality
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